Obviously, I am biased. Everyone should think their kids are the cutest.
I am no exception.
Sorry for NEVER being on here anymore, if you were, in fact missing me and my randomness :) I'm busy staring at this sweet, little, chubby, yummy, tasty, snuggly, hunk of a little man and I'm loving it!

I mean, look at that face!

And those lips!!!

With this facing staring at me everyday, NO, I don't get anything done...at all.

I personally love how chubby his wrist/forearm juncture is! OOOOOH!

Don't worry, I didn't take these today on the coldest day of the winter!
My big sis, however, sent me an email today reminding me, the second child, that the second, third, fourth, etc, kid always gets the raw end of the deal on pictures...It's not that I haven't been taking them, it's that I'm so busy snuggling him that I'm rarely on the computer anymore...and that's okay!
I just figured since Ryan is already 5 months old, I should probably share some pics so you could see how big he's getting.
My favorite things in no particular order:
- He talks to himself in the mornings in his bed while waiting for me to go get him.
- He smiles and brings his hands together.
- He laughs when I change his onesie b/c he thinks I'm trying to tickle him.
- He found his knee the other day and started cracking up, thinking it was hilarious.
- He is a slobber puss.
- He talks to us in his own sweet language.
- He is in the 95%tile for his height and 45%tile for weight.
- He is eating veggies like a champ.
- He "holds" his own bottle.
- He likes to smile at me in the mirror while grabbing my face.
- He looks like Noah, which sucked at first, but Noah wasn't ugly, so it's not so bad :)
- He, he, he...
Anyway, sorry, enough bragging. I'm in love. I can't help it. Em loves being a big sis and Jason's the best baby daddy in the whole wide world!
My heart is full...
(pictures of him eating veggies to come...)