God told me to read Colossians and Philippians the other morning...
Noah could have written the first chapter of Philippians. So could have Steve G., Elizabeth M., little man Ricky, sweet little Isaac, Jack M., Jason's gramma, Billy N., precious Elliot, and countless others...so could have living examples like a teenager named Collin, a cute little guy named Brody, Josh B., Heidi Jo W., and maybe your loved one or yourself...
But Paul wrote it by the inspiration of God. He wrote the words that the above mentioned felt and many continue to feel. He also wrote it to inspire because many people who are imprisoned by one thing or another (whether literally in the state penitentiary or physically in their own bodies) mentally, emotionally and spiritually stay in prison.
"Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly." Philippians 1:12-14
Noah did not die in vain. Satan did not receive credit for Paul's imprisonment. The people that I mentioned above who suffered in their bodies and went on to be with Christ always pointed others to the Father. The names above of those still living are doing so for the glory of God. When Adam and Eve fell to the wooing pride of satan's ploy in the Garden, certain things were set in motion on earth outside of God's physical presence. What satan intends for evil, God will use for His glory. Job wasn't a pretend story. This isn't Hollywood, it's real life. The real tragedy is not that heroes suffer or die before we think they should, it's that some of those involved aren't living, they are only watching. If age were a factor, more people should be upset that Christ died when He was 33. That's 'young' in earth mentality. Why when reading the obituaries do some people think it's fine that the 90 year old died but not the 15 year old who had so much to live for? What if the two arrive in heaven and are able to see the bigger picture and the 90 year old says, "Oh man! Earth was fun and I loved my family, but I can't believe I had to be there so long!" and the 15 year old says, "Thank you, Lord, that I got to come Home sooner than that guy..."
I'm not pretending to have all the answers. I just know that unless I live life with an eternal perspective of being part of the Bride of Christ, my life here on earth will seem hopelessly trivial.
I just read these words this morning and felt I should share:
ReplyDelete"There is nothing in your life that can’t be done to glorify God. Living to bring glory to Him is the all-consuming, driving, defining purpose that God has intended for our lives. Glorifying God simply means to do all we do in a way that communicates the attitudes and actions of God. It is filling life with His presence. When others see His mercy, justice, grace, love, tolerance, generosity, and humility in everything we do, they are seeing the glory of God through our lives. And tactfully giving Him the credit for all our accomplishments focuses the spotlight and applause on the right person, God."
Thank you for always Glorifing Him in all you say and do.
Your posts always touch my heart. Last night my family and i went to see Twila Paris and the World Vision Korean Children's Choir sing at a nearby church. What a blessing. To worship Him with all that is within me... the Lord bless you and keep you...
ReplyDeleteYou couldn't have picked a better day to write this post. Your posts always motivate and inspire me, but espicially today. You see, a friend of mine lost her battle with breast cancer 2 days ago...she was 30 years old. I have been following your blog since shortly after you laid Noah before the Lord. Your blog has become like a daily devotional to me and many others. In your post today, it seemed like you were truly talking to me as if you knew the struggles I was having with Janna's death, not that I'm not happy she is with the Lord now...just my selfish human nature to want her to stay here on earth for a little while longer. She, like the others you mentioned spread the Word of Christ while suffering with her illness. Anyway...just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much your blog impacts me and so many others.
God continues to bless you with the strength, the courage, the never-ending compassion and grace to tell Noah's story as well as show your love and faith in Him. While you will always miss Noah, you show the comfort that you have knowing it is not the end, you will see your precious little guy again.
ReplyDeleteI continue to lift you and your family up in my prayers as you embark on the many "anniversaries" of your journey with Noah.
Seeing pictures of your precious little boy still brings tears to my eyes. How you must miss him so. You are so amazing. I wish so badly that I could have your perspective on life and faith all the time. Its truly uplifting to read how you interpret our time here on earth before we begin our eternal life. I hope that you have a wonderful evening!
ReplyDeleteI have been learning gratefulness during the 16 months since my wife died. I have not missed one day of praying for you and Jason since Molly & Matt told me of your blog. You are precious to God Most High, Maker of Heaven and Earth. But you are also precious to us who are your fellow travelers on the way Home.
Someone just sent this link to me, and I watched it, and I sat here at my desk, at work, and was moved to tears.
ReplyDeleteIt made me think of all the normal struggles we all go through. And it made me think of you and how you've gone through more than the average person but you have persevered and fought past all that has tried or could bring you down.
I still think you are one amazing woman! And I hope you don't mind me posting this link. It's like a short play. The guy in the robes is playing the part of Jesus and the girl is us.
You know I agree with your eternal perspective and it being the one thing that keeps me going in the spirit and with the peace I have. I have said it many times since the death of Teagan, "I don't know how people do it without faith and Hope"! Thank goodness God, in His great mercy, has not allowed me that experience...I have known His grace, love and comfort all along. It is with that Hope and that perspective that I too, live my life. Each and everyday. I am humbled that He reaches down and fills our hearts to overflowing- and out of that abundance, His glory can be shared with others. Thanks for always shining and sharing Christ in the beautiful, mindful, bold way that you do, Adrienne. Always praying for you and your family...
ReplyDeleteYour words flow like music to my ears and so many others who follow your blog. I too, look at your blog daily and am reminded of all that I have to be grateful for, and to get excited for what is to come. I tend to get so caught up in the present that a lot of times, I just need to take a deep breathe and remember that my purpose is to simply, Serve the Lord. My son was just diagnosed with PDD NOS and while I have had such a hard time dealing with this , you have reminded me not only to take the hand of our Lord for he will guide me, but to remember the simple pleasures to be thankful for..... THANK YOU For your words.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blogs for a while now, and I have to say, you are such an inspiration to me! I have even shared your story with my youth class at church I teach.
ReplyDeleteI believe that your perspective is RIGHT on and I believe it comes not just from the hope it gives you, but from your faith, trust and RELATIONSHIP with God! And you are so right: Noah was here for a BIGGER purpose and he fulfilled it BIGGER and BETTER than anyone could ever imagine. And that is the power of GOD! Gives me CHILLS just thinking about it!
But in that 'bigger and better' your heart was broken, and for that I am deeply sorry. I love your blog....LOVE it. My son's best friend died at the age of 8, and I will forever mourn his loss, but I will always rejoice in the people that were SAVED and forever changed because of this beautiful little boy.