My Mom and Dad made it possible for me to join Jason for a few days down in Santa Fe, NM, while he worked earlier this week, by watching our precious offspring. Jason and I are good about getting out for date nights thanks to generous family members and a fantastic babysitter, but overnights are few and far between, though we are intentional about making them happen rather than not.
Gotta do whatcha gotta do to keep a marriage going, right?
A sweet little token, a peace dove on our bed. #rememberingnoah |
Cricket apartments, aka, dried chilis |
Stucco, courtyard, old Santa Fe |
Sunrise in the East |
Peering into an artist's courtyard |
These two colors should always go together |
The free-standing spiral staircase of Loretto Chapel |
A 3oz Citrus elixir and a Bailey's gluten-free brownie |
The Blue Horse which should be in front of DIA rather than our demon one... |
Anyway, I love traveling. And by "love" I mean, it is my all time favorite thing to do in the whole wide world. Whether it's for leisure, work, ministry, or whatever the reason,
besides the packing, traveling is in my blood. It comes naturally, almost as if God designed me with an internal GPS for world navigation. Jason's mom keeps offering to watch Em and Ry if Jason and I would just sign up for The Amazing Race, but I would miss my kids too much, so we'll let others play that game. The money's just not worth the sacrifice. I love people watching, different cultures, the architecture, food,
most smells, and the sounds. Even the deepest of third world countries, where others may squirm and constantly use hand sanitizer, I'm there, in the dirt, playing with the kids.
I simply was made to travel.
And the itch right now is so intense, if it was a rash a doctor would prescribe steroid cream.
Santa Fe has many reputations, but I'd like to believe I'm discerning and was able to walk away not only unscathed by the voodoo and spiritualists, but rather, inspired by God's creativity and filled with awe, more in love with Him than the day I arrived. I do not attribute the blessing from God I received merely to the location, therefore pronouncing it a 'holy place' as others may.
No. I think I was blessed because I went with
intention. This is my word for the year and it's one I've tried to weave into each day and setting, seeking God's will, being intentional towards Him and myself in the day to day. In getting away to Santa Fe, I will share with you
my intentions:
- Silence and solitude with God
- Learning more about Jason and his work
- Meeting some of his colleagues and learning their stories
- Appreciating the architecture and history of the beautiful town
- Soaking in the expression of God's creativity as shown through the many artists on street corners and in galleries
- Savoring the yummy cuisine
- Leaving with inspiration to get my own creative groove on
If the above bullet points were a check-list, there would be a slash through each one. I wandered around the town, with and without my map app, in and out of galleries, churches, tea and chocolate houses, shops, through parks and neighborhoods, breathing America's cleanest air. I got to sit in on Jason's presentation, gain insight into the work of Compassion, as well as meet people from around the globe as passionate about helping women and children in third world countries as my husband...and I prayed. We enjoyed meals with several of these and learning their stories of faith and intimacy with Christ in their native countries was both rich and eye-opening for me.
I walked mile after mile around town taking in the awesome architecture that I grew up on in Arizona.
Why every house in the world doesn't have a courtyard and isn't made of stucco, it's a darned shame.
And the art. Oh, the art! Imagine: we are all made in His image, so when 6 billion people are given thousands of different creative ways to express His creativity, wowza!
La comida:
Green chili. Mexican chocolate. Tequila. Local wine. Blue corn. Guacamole. Tamales. Deliciousness.
I ate with intention, without guilt or obsession...this is good for me. And, I now firmly believe God also gave me an internal Chocolate GPS.
As we drove over and through the rolling hills, gazing at sky scraping snow-capped ranges in the distance, leaving the creativity of Santa Fe in the rear view mirror, I brought with me inspiration for writing, sewing, relationships, jewelry making, Bevy Girls, travel, family, ministry, faith, health, community, and personal growth.
Sometimes you have to leave your day to day setting to find the inspiration. Sometimes you don't.
Either way, life should be lived with intention.