Friday, June 06, 2008

Funny Friday...

Except if it's true, it's not funny, it's really sad. Today while I was driving home from an errand I saw a garage sale sign that read, "HE CHEATED! EVERYTHING IS FOR SALE!" and then it gave the address. Either it's true, or it's a catchy marketing ploy to get rid of your junk. If he did cheat, I pray for healing in his heart and healing in the hearts of those involved. If not, I hope they had a successful sale...

Have a great weekend!


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I saw one that said "Spoiled Rotten Kid Garage Sale"

  2. unfortunately, I bet it is true. this world we live in is so screwed up!

  3. I echo Misi.

    Is it bad that I would have gone to the sale though - so maybe it was a good way to advertise.
