Friday, September 08, 2006

Em's First Day!
Em did great Wednesday. She thought Thursday was her "summer vacation", pretty cute, huh? Today was her second day and she loved it, as well. Bobby and Bebe took her and then I picked her up. It was a good set up. Anyway, just wanted to share this milestone with all of you. I pray that as your children go to school this year, whether it be preschool, college, abroad, whatever, that they will be blessed not only in their thoughts and minds but with encouraging friends and peers, ones that will challenge them to be better people, to grow in selflessness, and that this generation will be so focused on God that their lives would impact everyone around them. Let's teach them that this life is not all about us! Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    She is adorable! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! You are in our prayers every night! Andrew prays that baby Noah "is not sick"! Please let us know if you need anything, we are here! Jeremy, Wendy and Andrew Coward

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I can't take it. she is so stinken adorable. and the hair, oh my
    love ya

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    that is the best pic of your little girl!! And it is so cool when the kids go to school they seem to grow up faster though. My son is in the 3rd grade and man do they grow fast after they hit school. Happy to hear that the tests came back the way they did . Sorry that you have to start over with the tests though. And good for you to go face to face with the doc that uses that "A" word what a nasty word that can be.
    Our prayers and thoughts with you all.
    Lane, Brian, Austin, Owen Pettee

  4. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Your girl is so beautiful! Continuing to stand with you in prayer. I miss you tons and wish I could drop in and say hi.

