Tonight we had some dear new friends over to our house. It was really refreshing to read the Word with others, share our hearts of what we desire in our walks with God, and to pray together. As stressful as the hospital was at times, it was very quiet late at night for Bible study and prayer. Also, with so many visitors everyday, we had times of prayer with other people on a regular, coming home to the three of us and "to do" lists and busyness, sitting at God's feet tonight with others who desired the same was a bit more like going back to the hospital, but in a good way.
I can't tell you how much it encouraged my heart! You see, today I spent the day organizing. A girl from church who has an organizing business (I highly recommend her!) came over to help me get rolling on the many tasks we have on our plates in order to sell our house. (Yes, Jason and I actually felt like we were going to move over a year ago and then Noah was born, so we are waiting on God to see if this is the season or not...) Anyway, my goal is to get our house to a point where we can show it and not have clutter and overflow. I'm getting rid of things, packing things, and rearranging other things so the house looks as cute as can be. So, back to studying God's Word, well, my mind was a little overwhelmed, not by the process, but by how much more I still have to do and how much "stuff" we've accumulated since we moved in here 5 years ago. It was actually very helpful to have another person's perspective and eye regarding organizing, but it was a big reminder of my ever increasing "to do" list. I was annoyed that I was annoyed with all the "stuff and things" I was even investing in organizing! Thankfully Jen understood because she's recently been to Africa and gained tremendous perspective in this area (which is why she started her, huh?) Later, I started to get really crusty and Jason informed Emily that the tension coming from me was so thick he could cut it...He then proceded to define different emotions and what thick meant and I couldn't help but think it might be a few more years before Em comprehended what the heck her dad was talking about...Anyway, I realized I had allowed the enemy of my heart a foothold today to distract my heart from looking forward to fellowshipping with like believers. Realization is half the battle, so then I prayed and felt a lot more peace. As soon as friends started coming to the door and we started sharing our hearts, I knew that satan had intended to steal my joy, as he does yours and yours and yours everyday, so I just told him to BACK OFF!
So, I want to encourage you...if you are having a crusty day, just know God did not intend for it, but the thief who hates your guts! He likes it when we're crusty and gets a kick out of it when we're impatient with our kids/spouses/friends/strangers because our agendas aren't being met. Tell him to BACK OFF and then, READ THE BIBLE OUT LOUD! Now, that may sound strange, but in college when I'd try to read my Bible, I'd always get distracted. I finally realized that satan hated it when I read the Bible, so, I got pretty bold and said, "Okay, devil, if you want to hang out here so badly, I'm reading my Bible. Here is what it says about me and here is what it says about YOU! Any questions?!" I call it, "Story Time for satan." Let me tell you, he stops bugging you immediately because he HATES God's Word with a passion, but not only that, he HATES it most when you not only read it but you BELIEVE it! Read on...
Hey Adrienne! Your post really hit home today..Yesterday I was soooo busy with work and my house was a mess, the kids were acting out and my nerves were shot! I was very short with everyone I spoke with yesterday. Late last night I started thinking once I had chilled out for a minute how ugly I had acted to everyone and felt terrible! I think no matter how great we try to be at all times, we of course are human and make mistakes but you're right as usual, reading the Bible is so refreshing and uplifting and it does make me feel alot better when reading it. I've only started really wanting to learn more and more about God since I learned of you and Noah, so thank you! I am so excited to actually have something to believe in and to have something wonderful to teach my boys about...I just wish I could find a way for them to sit still for more then a minute so I can read to them! lol
ReplyDeleteAbout the clutter problems, I have the same thing going on in different rooms in my home as well. Mainly with clothes and small useless items. UGH! I have no clue how we have accumulated so much stuff??? I really feel when my house is cluttered with so much junk, I cannot relax because I know how much de-cluttering needs to be done!! Keeping up with all the clutter and stressing over it takes valuable time away from my family, so I have been doing one rooms at a time lately not really even looking at any one certain item for too long so that I can just chunk it or donate it! I have a problem with attaching little things to a memory or a time. I should get over that I know!! LOL Anyway, good luck with organizing your home and try not to get too overwhelmed with it okay!!
Paula and Family
"Story Time for Satan" You really know how to coin a memorable phrase.
ReplyDeleteI love you girl - you make me laugh and cry all in the same post! I love that you used the word crusty. HAHHAHA
ReplyDeleteand I love 'story time with satan'. that's incredible.
You are sooo right - any time before there is a huge blessing (even a small daily one) right before it I either get irritated with my husband or something happens to try to steal my joy ---
but what's awesome is that God sent the spirit to be our reconnaisance troops -- THe spirit goes out and stakes out the situation before we go! So He prepares our heart and mind to recognize satan's tricks for what they are worth. That to me is incredible!
You are certainly a woman filled with the spirit - and you listen to Him and His warnings - Thank God for that!!!!!!! :)
I love your boldness!
ReplyDeletePreach on Sister!!
I love your idea for getting out of a 'crusty' mood. I'm going to try that next time I'm there!
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy de-cluttering your house. I don't do it very often, but it is one of my favorite things--getting back to basics.
Hope you and your family have a great weekend.
What a great post and great reminder for me. I tend to be a control freak and hate it when things seem out of control, like an unorganized house or disobedient children.
ReplyDeleteSometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed, defeated, and ready to burst out crying, I praise the Lord out loud. satan can also not inhabit the praises of His people. It is very powerful and I always feel peace and joy immediately.
Thanks for the great reminder that we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers!
Blessings to you today!
What a precious picture you have posted! Now about the clutter....I HATE clutter but unfortunetly it seems to be very comfortable in my house. There are days when I just want to throw everything away and start all over. But I try to take one small area at a time to work on and it will eventually all get done. But then I find myself adding more clutter to the cleaned area because there is now room there! It's a never ending cycle!!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I read the Bible aloud every day. This was you are taking it in two ways, audibly and visually. God "spoke" everything into existence and there is great power in our spoken word, too. After all we are made in his image.
ReplyDeleteA number of years ago we moved from a very large home into a smaller home and had to downsize big time. Gave a lot of heirloom type things to our children, which helped. I still was just overwhelmed with the "stuff".
I have a quote I like: "If you keep things simple they'll stay pure".
Bless you as God leads you in your next move.
Thank you Adrienne, I needed to hear that. I have gotten crusty lately too. I am frustrated with my job and I am at wits end!!! I have been wanting to move up to loan officer but keep getting bypassed and then they hire some rookie guy to take the job. I then have to help him learn his job that I could have already been doing! I have prayed and asked God WHY? Why do I feel like I am stuck in a rut? Am I missing the big picture here or what? Am I going the wrong direction or just not truly listening?! Anyways, enough about me!
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a very successful sale on your house! How exciting! Do you know where you are moving to? Well, hang in there and when you have your house organized I could use help with mine! You never know, we might be moving soon too!!! ;)
"story time for satan"...that makes me smile. my parents taught me as a kid the power that just saying the name of Jesus had over the devil. when we would be feeling angry, scared, confused...they'd encourage us to just start with a mantra of "Jesus, Jesus" and when we were clear enough to think more then add to our prayer.
ReplyDeleteThank you again for sharing your heart and speaking directly to mine. So many times we do not claim the victory as ours and we let satan creep in to our lives. When our family/children /spouses are our most precious gifts. Smythe-mother of 2 precious boys
ReplyDeleteAmen! Thanks for the reminder:-)
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful we can call on the precious name of Jesus anytime, anywhere and the awesome power it releases into every situation. Wow! We are blessed.
thanks for the "crusty" message.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Faith comes by HEARING the word of God... not reading or seeing... hearing. We must speak it out loud in order to hear it, and it will build our faith! Good word.
ReplyDeleteGod has been working on me about the things you mentioned in your post. I loved reading your thoughts on this - esp the getting satan out of your head and not allowing him to steal your joy.
Reading this post today was very comforting. I have been pretty overwhelmed lately. Caring for my baby and caring for a dying pet the second time this year. Yesterday we found out that my father in law cheated on my mother in law recently and my brother in law is dying because he is an alcoholic. My husband and I have been losing our patience a lot. I am going to read my Bible out loud Adrienne! I wish you well on your house. I am thinking of your family often. Especially when my baby and I are watching U2 videos on youtube :) She is a fan too.
Wow, that touched close to home today. I've been battling a nasty cold for almost 2 weeks now, my kids have come down with it as well in the past few days (including one with an ear infection) so sleep has been little and emotions have been high. My house is a DISASTER. I guarantee I've had some "crust". Time to fix the attitude and refix my focus!
ReplyDelete"story time for satan"...I love it!! What a great concept!
ReplyDeleteYou are so RIGHT!!!!!!!
Soooooooo RIGHT!!!!!
I agree with everything you said
about clutter and things we pocess. Even more...when I have a crusty day....I will start reading my Bible out loud.
Thank you my sweet and precious sister in Christ!
Love, Lynda Bishop
p.s. I love the picture of Noah & Emily you have on your desktop.
'storytime for satan' - THAT IS TOO FUNNY! love it...
ReplyDeletewhen i would feel those moments where fear tried to creep in and rob me of sleep at night, i would play my Scripture cd on repeat all night long... i prayed out loud, read some of my own Scriptures out loud, and then thought along the same lines as you did - if he wants to hang out here, he's gonna have to listen to what God says!
ReplyDeleteAs for your post today, I agree completely. I'm 31 weeks pregnant and find myself snapping more frequently. I actually have a 2.5 year old Noah myself and today he dripped anti-bacterial gel on the floor (he does this every time)instead of getting it in his hands and I had a mild tantrum. I have never ever said anything when he does this until today. After my assault, he patiently said, "Ohhhh. I'm sorry mommy." About all it takes to make me feel horrible inside. Of course I immediately told him it was no big deal but you know..........
Anyway, your blog was forwarded to the day after your Noah went to Heaven. My friend had warned me that it would make me sob at my inmost being. And it did. I have rarely visited the blog since only because it gets even more personal since I have a Noah too. But tonight, the Lord led me here for one reason or another and I just want to say thank you. This sharing and transparency has it's healing moments, yes, but I know it has also been excruciating at times---if not everyday. This year has undoubtedly been the most overwhelming year of your life. Even now as you prepare to possibly move, write a book, the pace hasn't slowed. May God continue to reign in your life and bless you with fantastic peace, wisdom and much guidance. I am so sorry for everything that your family has had to endure. It hurts me deep inside and makes me sob even now. I'm truly sorry. Your Em is an absolute doll and I know she gives you so much happiness each day. Thank the Lord. God bless the 3 of you. Perservere and glorify the Lord (which you have been doing amazingly!).
I love that pic of Noah and Emily. So precious. Thanks for sharing your "crusty story", it's nice to know I am not alone.
ReplyDeleteHi Ade, Yes, I have an agenda that is not being met and am struggling with impatience today, wishing things were the way they should be. So, I will have story time the rest of the day if I have to, and I just got a new Bible to start marking up. I'm expecting a strong, joyful end to this crappy day. Thanks for the idea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your continued posting. I have been reading your blogs now for several months. They so often hit home and I find myself being encouraged, uplifted and knowing that I need to be nudged. I appreciate your honest and open attitude and being willing to share your lives. I often wonder how I would react in a situation like yours. I cannot help but think of you all often as your story has and continues to touch me, as a mother of four and our oldest being Noah.
ReplyDeleteYou definetly have a gift speaking and writing your thoughts. God has used you I know to speak to me, encourage me and show me areas where I need to change. I pray that His grace continues to surround you each and everyday. I pray that those around you can support and uplift you in your loss. I pray that as your lives change that you can continue to seek His will and know the desires of His heart.
I especially enjoyed this post of clutter. It was thought provoking as usual.
May God bless you all.
On a day when my mother was hospitalized and many scary tests are ahead of us.......I take great comfort in reading your posts.
It is Sunday afternoon in South Africa my hubby is away and my kids are napping or having quiet time. I was going to curl up with a good book for some "me" time but ended up journaling through and reading some of your old and recent posts. So encouraging, uplifting and inspiring...much better than that book would have been. Gorgeous pictures to boot!
ReplyDeleteThanks for making my "me" time just what I needed it to be to get through the rest of the day.
Perhaps someday we will reunite on the African continent and read Satan his story with the children Noah's honor!
hi Noahs family,
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!! Something about your srory has drawn me to your family!! Yes I know that we have not meet but I bet Noahs was the most sweetest thing~~ Adrienne I have to say what a strong momma you are!! I admire you and your family so much!! You all even Em have soo much courage! By the way Em is a lil cutie pie!! Also I read that you were cleaning and maybe moving, well we are doimg the same at our home!! Selling a home is very stressful!! Good luck and may god bless your family!!
LaNaye Washburn
Sunny Alabama :)
I found our blog on Sat, around 6 pm... It is now Sunday at 11:10 and I have read every one of you post, and some of the comments. Just like all good books, I couldn't put your life down until I was up to date.
ReplyDelete*God has rocked my world through your sharing your walk with Him.
*God is good, faithful and loving to allow all of us to be part of your world. Thank you for being so transparent with us.
*I will be taking our family photo, of just me and my husband, as we have not been blessed with children. This picture will be taken this week, I will forward it to you. I know that I have not been there through the toughest part, but you are forever in my prayers.
*I can't wait to get to Heaven and hug on your neck (Southern talk here).
*I LOVE to pray for others, and will be your forever prayer partner for the world. My husband says that I have a NEXTEL to God. If all realized that they too had that connection... what a wonderful world this would be.
Your sister in Christ, Jane
Hi Noahsteven's famoly
ReplyDeleteLove you. Let God protect you.