Thank you, everyone, for the opportunity to walk for a cure! I truly do have cankles (swollen ankles), but there are worse things, right? And, you know how your great grandma's feet have hundreds of broken capillaries...yeah, well, I'm not even a grandma, but apparently my feet didn't get the memo!
Our team was wonderful! Brittany, Catherine, and Dana kept me motivated throughout the streets of NYC. They literally had us walking all over the island of Manhattan, Lower West Side, Upper West Side, Harlem, Columbia University, all the way down to Greenwich Village, SoHo, Chelsea, East Village, NYU, over the Brooklyn Bridge, back over the Manhattan Bridge, Chinatown, up the East Side, past the UN, then over to Randall Island where the 26.2 mile marker was, and a hot dinner waiting. Unfortunately, since it's a walk, not a run, and not a race, they didn't block off any streets for us, so, we had to walk on side walks, dodge in and out of pedestrians, stop at intersections and crosswalks, and be in a constant stop and go pattern. None of us expected that, nor trained that way, so that took a toll on our parts, but we encouraged each other that, obviously, like anyone, we'd rather have strained body parts and stress fractures than go through chemotherapy or radiation...
I know posting after the fact is anti-climatic, but Internet access was nil. And then, I have only two pictures from day two of the walk because my camera went to electronics heaven at mile 4 of 13! Rude!
Below are some highlights from the walk. Thank you all, again, for the privilege of being able to walk for a cure in memory and honor of you and your loved ones. God opened our hearts and eyes to the lives of the people around us, knowing that each one of the 4500+ walking represented a story of courage, endurance, tragedy, hope and perseverance. As we walked I said to my team that one of my prayers was that for each one we walked for, the ripple effect of God's love would truly inspire others to share their stories for the glory of God.

This guy was out supporting his wife...there were several men who were actually walking all alone...the lump in my throat got tighter each time we'd approach one, just speculating their stories...

This guy's pins were for sale for $3.00 a piece. He kept showing up on different street corners over the two days, in different outfits, to encourage and cheer us on toward the goal.

Here we are braving an early morning NY cab. Even when no cars were around at 5:30 am, the cabbie zipped in and out of lanes and slammed on his brakes. Apparently driving in a straight line is boring? It was adventure at its best!

"For all the awesome people in blog world and beyond - Noah for Knockers: Saving them 2x2 Ade xoxox" That's what I wrote on the two story inflatable tower they had at the start of the day.

These towers travel to each city where Avon Walks take place.

At the crack of dawn...actually, before that...

Group stretch. I are supposed to warm up before you stretch, but this was more about bonding, really. The woman in the hot pink sweatshirt and pink hood right there was walking a survivor.

Mile 7 was significant to me because Noah lived for 7 months.

One "Riesen" to walk: for a cure.

Elmo was at Madison Square Garden.

We walked too quickly past this building for me to see a name, but maybe one of you can tell me what it was down by the Brooklyn Bridge.

Crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge.

My family and my boy at my back, pushing me onward over the Manhattan Bridge.

North of Chinatown you can find this colorful crew playing bike polo while shouting obscenities. It was quite the exciting spot to stop for a stretch. In Chinatown, one woman stopped to stretch and got whacked with a broom by an old woman.

The UN, where, well, pretty important conversations take place, you know!?

Some fraternity boys who came out to cheer us on!

Gracious enough to pose with this old lady! (To think...18 years ago, which is half my life, I was as young as these guys!)

My older sister, Ashley, walked the last 6 miles with us on the first day. Go Ashes!

We made it to the Wellness Village on Randall Island around 5:30 pm for dinner. That's right, folks...we left Pier 84 at around 7:45 am and proceeded to walk for over 10 hours. In training, Dana and I walked at 4 to 4.3 mph, stopping each hour to eat and stretch. We also didn't have to stop for street lights or weave in and out of people. As we were finishing up the last mile my sister played "Pride" on her phone for us as we weren't allowed to have headphones on during the walk! I can't even tell you how much music made a difference! It was a long day, but we did it as a team and we hope we made you all proud!
On Sunday morning it was raining but by the time we got on the course it had stopped. We booked it on Sunday and finished almost 3 hours before the closing ceremony. I have to admit that around mile 4 on Sunday my right foot was bothering me, but I thought if I just walked through the pain, it would help it stretch out and warm up...well, Sunday was the reason for my broken blood vessels, swollen ankles, and possible stress fracture. Again, not as bad as having to endure a disease without a cure...
I have stories of talking to strangers and sharing God's love over the course of the weekend, but will share at another time. As far as processing goes, I am still praying about all I feel God showed me on this trip. For now though, I just wanted you to know how grateful I am to God and thankful I am for your support in this endeavor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
And proud we are! Sounds like you all had good time. Here's to a cure!
ReplyDeleteThat is wonderful and it brought tears to my eyes at the same time. I too hope they find a cure for this nasty disease. It has already claimed 3 of my family members all on my mom's side of the family. Good job Noah for Knockers!!!! We are so proud of you!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought of you this past Sunday when I did the Komen walk here in Denver, Ade. It was inspiring and moving, too.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I read someone's back that said they were walking for their mom or their grandmother, or an aunt, I just got choked up. Glad I could wear sunglasses.
When I got to the part of your entry about men walking alone, I immediately choked up. Wow.
If it makes you feel any better about your cankles, I get them every time I fly East :)
And I think you'll appreciate the fact that some of the girls I walked with had t-shirts on that said "Save 2nd Base". LOL!
Congratulations Ade on an unreal effort!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you and your team! The photos are just great!
I was wondering if it would be okay with you if I get them printed for my next door neighbours daughter Maureen? On Saturday she was told that her breast cancer has spread to her bones and that it is aggressive. I think that this will really lift her spirits to know that she was on your prayer list.
Thank you so much again, Love you
Carly, Sam , Scarlett and River xxxxx
My favorite picture is the one of the tag(not sure what it's called) on your back....I'm so glad you could do this!
ReplyDeleteThe building in question looks like the Woolworth building, it's one of my favorites in New York. They light the top up at night but during the day the top is a greenish color. I suppose I like it because it reminds me of a gothic cathedral. Congratulations on your successful walk, I hope your foot heals soon!
ReplyDeleteMaggie in Ohio
Dear Adrienne, Yes, the building is the Woolworth Building. Jack McNutt worked at that building for years...he took the train into NYC from their home in off at the station under the Twin Towers, and walked to his office in that building. His daughter, Barbara, confirmed to me that it is, in fact, the Woolworth Building.
ReplyDeleteYour dad and I are very proud of all of you for your dedication to this effort....our girls have always been very dedicated to whatever God has put on their hearts. Thank You, God, for that! Love, Mom
AWESOME!!! You are amazing. So how was Thursday night at Kim's? I really wanted to be there.
ReplyDeleteThank YOU! You are amazing. What an accomplishment! Erika :)