Late winter of 2006 I shouted to God, "HOW ON EARTH CAN ANY GOOD COME FROM ME LOSING MY SON?!" In my mind, it was unimaginable. My heart was crushed and this child that I had carried and birthed and cared for and loved was dying right before my eyes.
How could any good come from such sorrow?
And as time has passed and my eyes and heart have been tuned into life and living, and death and dying, my perspective has radically changed. We are here on this Earth for an undetermined amount of time. The key word there being, "Earth," not Heaven. Therefore, we will face heartache, trials, suffering, loss, and pain. And, to be fair, we will also face joys, laughter, hope, and richness beyond measure...if we engage in the life we are called to live, no matter the obstacles, in spite of the pain, living it to the fullest, trusting God who is good.
"Find the Good" is about perspective. It's about being thankful for the beauty in our everyday lives. It's about optimism and hope. To "Find the Good" some will have to stop, change course, look UP instead of down, look out instead of in.
God is good. And everything He created He called, "Good." There's plenty of bad to see and to dwell on...let's have a perspective revolution and "Find the Good" instead! I guarantee it outweighs the bad!
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